GDMS · Spotlight

GDMS·Agenda Detailed Agenda Detailed Agenda

  • Keynote Track
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Morning-Dec 6th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 6th, 2017
Morning-Dec 7th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 7th, 2017
Morning-Dec 6th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 6th, 2017
Morning-Dec 7th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 7th, 2017
Morning-Dec 6th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 6th, 2017
Morning-Dec 7th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 7th, 2017
Morning-Dec 6th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 6th, 2017
Morning-Dec 7th, 2017
Afternoon-Dec 7th, 2017

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  • 悠易互通


    Founded in 2007, Yoyi is the leading platform and the first multi-screen programmatic buying in China. Leveraging its data and technology resources, Yoyi Digital is spearheading the transformation of display ads from media buying to audience buying. Based on Yoyi’s proprietary audience data and advanced advertising technology, Yoyi is able to deliver the right ads to the right audience through right screen at right time, thus greatly enhancing user experience and advertising effectiveness at the same time. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 500 well-known global and local brands.Headquartered in Beijing, Yoyi Digital also has offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
  • 腾讯智慧



    Tencent Marketing Solutions Every day, billions of users enjoy a wide range of diversified services through Tencent’s ecosystem.  This ecosystem gives Tencent Marketing Solutions unique strengths in scope of users, full coverage of all scenarios and strong social engagement. With products offering a variety of contents and an integrated management platform for marketing campaigns, Tencent Marketing Solutions plays an active role in promoting digital marketing. Brands are empowered by its real user account system, diversified and exclusive content, precision insight and cutting-edge technology in algorithms. Tencent Marketing Solutions helps brands understand their TA and win them over. Official Website:
  • 阿里妈妈




    Alimama’s vision is to make it easy to do marketing anywhere. Alimama is a digital intelligent marketing platform that subordinates Alibaba Group. Empowered by Alibaba Group's core business big data and media ecosystem, it provides both branding and e-commerce marketing solution to advertises, business partners and SEMs. Enable marketers to connect consumer and brand along unified relationship journey base on consumer operation, and extend their marketing and promotional reach on multi-channel (PC, mobile and multimedia devices) with diversified marketing appeals to consumers all in one platform. Official Website :
  • 百度


    Baidu is the largest Chinese search engine and Chinese website worldwide. At the end of 1999, Robin Li, Chief Executive Officer of Baidu, saw the great potential of China’s Internet. With the patent technology of search engine, he came back to China and created Baidu in Zhongguancun on January 1, 2000. With the development of 18 years, Baidu has tens of thousands of R&D engineers, who constitute the best technical team around China and even the world. The team is holding the most advanced search engine technology in the world, which enables China to become one of the four countries worldwide with the core technology of search engines besides America, Russia and the Republic of Korea.
  • Google


    Google成立于1998年, 致力于通过创新的产品和技术为全球用户和企业服务。我们的使命是整合全球信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益。从创立至今,Google已成长为在全球40多个国家和地区拥有70多个办公室的全球科技领导者。在中国,Google以创新的思维,前瞻的视野,不断帮助推动中国经济、文化、开发者和互联网行业的发展。



    About Google China Founded in 1998, Google focuses on providing a variety of services for people and businesses around the world. Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since its inception, Google has grown to a global technology leader with more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. In China, Google keeps contributing to China's economy, culture, developer's and internet industry with forward insight and innovative thinking. In today’s globalization and digitalization process, Google helps Chinese customers achieve a win-win situation in their global and local business via solid action. Google also provides a healthy ecosystem for Chinese developers and supports them build successful businesses in every steps of innovations. Moreover, Google is a cultural contributor through supplying a platform to preserve and promote Chinese cultural and historic treasure to art-lovers globally. Google fosters moonshot thinkers by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship spirit within the China’s tech industry and strong support of programs that cultivate talented technology professionals. Official Website:
  • Twitter

    Twitter 是提供当下全球实时事件和热议话题讨论的平台。在Twitter,从突发事件、娱乐讯息、体育消息、政治新闻,到日常资讯,实时评论对话的展开全方位地展示了故事的每一面。在这里,你可以加入开放的实时对话,观看活动直播。Twitter支持40多种语言,你可以通过,以及过移动设备或手机短信来使用我们的服务。欲了解更多信息,敬请浏览 或关注微信公众号 @Twitter广告助手 。关于Twitter以及 Periscope 应用程序下载的相关信息,您可以前往 以及 页面。

    Twitter is what’s happening in the world and what people are talking about right now. From breaking news and entertainment to sports, politics, and everyday interests, see every side of the story. Join the open conversation. Watch live streaming events. Available in more than 40 languages around the world, the service can be accessed via, an array of mobile devices, and SMS. For more information, please visit, follow@Twitter广告助手, and download both the Twitter and Periscope apps at and
  • 头条




    Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2012. The company’s main product “Toutiao” is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered app that recommends personalized information to its users. By analyzing user interactions with content on the platform, Toutiao’s algorithms generate content lists tailored for each user, thereby differentiating from traditional methods of information distribution. Since Toutiao's launch in the market, it has won a remarkable market share and remained as a leading app in Apple's App Store.To date, more than 1,100,000 individuals and organizations have started their ToutiaoHao accounts, a self-publishing new media platform within the app. Official Website:
  • 网易传媒


    NetEase Media,the pioneer of Chinese internet portals and mobile information applications, has won users’ reputation for its high-quality original content, distinctive report angle and unique Follow Poster culture. Facing the trend of consumption upgrade, in year 2017, NetEase Media has firstly put forward the Content Consumption Upgrade Leader Strategy and fully entered the pan-entertainment industry. Official
  • 知乎


    知乎以知识连接一切为使命,凭借认真、专业和友善的社区氛围和独特的产品机制,聚集了中国互联网上科技、商业、文化等领域里最具创造力的人群,将高质量的内容透过人的节点来成规模地生产和分享,构建高价值人际关系网络。用户通过问答等交流方式建立信任和连接,打造和提升个人品牌价值,并发现、获得新机会。如今每天都有超过2600万人次的独立用户在此浏览或是参与有关互联网、科学、金融、汽车、旅行、健康、电影、艺术、体育以及职业发展等维度的话题讨论和知识分享。知乎已经成为中文互联网优质内容来源地,也是无数职业人群的智识家园。截止2017年9月,知乎拥有注册用户量超过 1 亿,用户月累计页面浏览量(PV)达到 180 亿,日活跃用户 2600 万;用户人均的每天使用时常为 60 分钟。
    此外,知乎还通过知乎Live等一系列产品,认真、积极地探索知识付费市场的发展潜力,这一部分对于知乎来说意味着巨大的发展可能。以知乎做知识付费的核心产品「知乎Live」为例,截止2017年9月,「知乎Live」已经举办近 5000 场,近 400 万人次参与,人均消费额 43.67元 ,复购率达到了 42%,而主讲人的人均收入也超过了 1 万元。未来,知乎将持续打造以知识平台为核心的生态,建设可持续发展的内容和专家网络,用以帮助人们实现生活、工作、学习和创新场景中的需求,并对相关的行业有深刻的影响和积极的改变。


    Zhihu, the largest Chinese knowledge platform. Assuming the mission to connect everything via knowledge, Zhihu that features of rigorous, professional, friendly and trustworthy community atmosphere and unique product mechanism, gathers the most creative brains on the internet from various fields like technology, business and culture. Based on every user, Zhihu has yielded and shared meaningful contents only to establish a high-quality interpersonal relationship net. Users can nurture trust and relationship by asking and answering to each other, furthermore, to promote personal brand value and harbor new opportunity. Everyday 26 million people will browse, discuss and share knowledge on Zhihu about internet, technology, business, automobile, journey, health, film, art, sport and career. To September 2017, the number of registered users on Zhihu is more than 1 billion, and the number of daily active users is about 26 million; the monthly page-view surges to 180 billion and the personal use time is up to 60 minutes per day.In addition, Zhihu has kept exploring the market of knowledge economy via a series of products like Zhihu Live which have a big potential. To illustrate, Zhihu has organized 5000 Zhihu Lives, the core paid-product of knowledge market; 4 million people have participated and the average spend is RMB 43.67; the repurchase rate reaches to 42% and the average personal income of the speaker exceeds RMB10000.In the future, Zhihu will contribute the ecology based on its knowledge platform and also the sustainable net covering content and expert. By means of rendering help in life, work, research and innovation,Zhihu aims to influence and reform different industries profoundly. Official
  • 360



    360 AD Platform is a panoramic intelligent marketing platform leading in China. Relying on its massive users and cross-screen multi-terminal panoramic innovation resources of the 360 PC and mobile terminals as well as its intelligent hardware, 360 AD Platform can provide 800 million users with safer and more convenient information services, based on the big data of its unique consumer behavioral chain, its multivariate content marketing and technological product innovation, so that, nearly one million leading enterprises around the world could comprehensively improve their marketing effectiveness.
  • 小米





    Xiaomi Marketing is a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which is committed to providing intelligent mobile marketing solutions for the majority advertisers. Based on 24-7 real time data from Xiaomi smart hardwares and the ability of identify different marketing scenes, Xiaomi Marketing is able to provide all- scene marketing solutions and an integrated and intelligent advertising service that will continue to influence the minds of consumers. Official Website:
  • FancyDigital



    截止2017年8月,FancyDigital为快消,日化、汽车,IT,旅游等超过上百家企业客户提供数字广告技术服务,其中包括美赞臣、必胜宅急送、奥迪、 OPPO、 VISA等全球知名品牌客户。

    Founded in 2015,FancyDigital is a leading Martech company in China, focus on programmatic video advertising. It cooperates with top 10 video media vendors and extensively supports video, mobile, OTT and PC inventory. With an integrated capability of cross-device identification technology to recognize and connect true audience, also, by applying data and machine learning algorithm to help advertiser to uplift their brand awareness and to improve their operational efficiencies. FancyDigital provides digital marketing services for more than one hundred enterprises, including leading brands in diverse industries, such as FMCG, automobile, IT and tourism.
  • 国双




    Gridsum Holding Inc. is a leading provider of cloud-based big-data analytics and AI solutions for multinational and domestic enterprises and government agencies in China. Gridsum’s core technology, the Gridsum Big Data Platform, is built on a distributed computing framework and performs real-time multi-dimensional correlation analysis of both structured and unstructured data. This enables Gridsum’s customers to identify complex relationships within their data and gain new insights that help them make better business decisions. The Company is named “Gridsum” to symbolize the combination of distributed computing (Grid) and analytics (sum). As a digital intelligence pioneer, the Company’s mission is to help enterprises and government organizations in China use data in new and powerful ways to make better informed decisions and be more productive. For more information, please visit Follow us on Weibo (@国双Gridsum) and WeChat (ID: gridsumtech).
  • 智子云


    ZCloud (stock symbol: 835045) is a big data technology company, which accumulate decades of experience in algorithms and applied fields of the data mining ,and lots of core technologies has won national patent certifications. Meanwhile, ZCloud independently developed versatile intellectual DSP and Sophon DMP products and gets a good reputation and achievements in the field of large data applications and marketing by virtue of the advantages of data mining algorithms. ZCloud has provided an intelligent data services and precise marketing application by data mining for thousands of advertising and brand customers.
  • 力美科技






    Limei  Technology(838556.OC),is China's leading scenario-based intelligent marketing platform. Limei (838556.OC),founded in 2011,is China's leading scenario-based intelligent marketing platform.It was listed on the new three board in September 2016 ,committed to build leading scenario-based intelligent marketing ecosystem in the big data era. With intelligent data,intelligent marketing, scenario-based data, scenario-based marketing and other products as the core business of all layouts ,it could provide intelligent marketing service based on large data for the global advertisers .
  • 时趣




    作为业界最受认可的成为移动社交时代的新型营销管理公司,自成立至今,时趣斩获百余项荣誉与奖项。在《Forrester Wave:2016第四季度中国营销战略和执行数字营销公司》中,时趣与OglivyOne、Razorfish、VML、Isobar等国际知名数字营销公司齐肩,成为被收录的仅有两家本土数字营销公司之一。在Forrester2017年2月发布的《思想领导力白皮书》中时趣在中国SCRM市场使用率名列第一。此外,时趣还是微软Azure渠道CRM/SCRM领域在中国的战略合作伙伴,IBM全渠道营销产品合作伙伴,腾讯数字营销战略合作伙伴,以及 Airbnb 中国移动社交战略合作伙伴。时趣还曾获得2013与2016年度Gartner Cool Vendor,仅在2016年,荣获金投赏、艾菲奖、金鼠标、安永共计20余项单项奖。时趣是国内少数能够同时荣获营销创意奖项与技术及产品奖项的营销管理公司之一。


    Established in 2011, Social Touch (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (Social Touch for short) has grown into a leading mobile social marketing management company of the largest scale and fastest growth in China as China’s mobile social environment develops. By originating the marketing path combining technology and innovation and driving marketing through algorithmic model, Social Touch provides a one-stop platform of mobile marketing and is dedicated to helping companies build up the user-centered intelligent marketing ecology. Currently, Social Touch has over 700 employees with the Headquarters of Beijing and branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Social Touch serves nearly 200 large brands from home and abroad, 70% of which are among Fortune 500 brands and 30% new brands in China. Apart from learning marketing advantages from mature brands, Social Touch joins hands with domestic and overseas enterprises to explore and verify a marketing approach more suitable to China. In three links of content-MGM-operation needed by enterprise in mobile times in terms of marketing, Social Touch provides integrated solution, builds closed loop for marketing and assists enterprises in realizing enterprise’s maximum commercial value. By means of brand social marketing service, advertisement technology and service as well as marketing operation software and technology, Social Touch helps enterprises to realize smart business so as to achieve marketing success in the era of mobile socializing. The company mainly focuses on Internet, beauty & cosmetics, consumer electronics, maternal & baby, household chemicals, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), clothing, tourism and financial services. Social Touch has provided marketing services to clients of globally top 100 companies, including P&G, Unilever, Mars, Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, ICBC, Hainan Airlines and Huawei and to digital innovative companies including Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Didi and Airbnb. Social Touch has won the favor and trust of many global brand clients by its innovative philosophy, distinguished service capability and professional attitude. As the most recognized service provider in mobile social marketing solutions, Social Touch has won nearly 100 honors and prizes since its establishment. In Forrester Wave: 2016 Q4 China’s Marketing Strategy and Execution Digital Marketing Company, Social Touch ranks with OglivyOne, Razorfish, VML, Isobar and other internationally well-known digital marketing companies, thus becomes one of the only two local digital marketing companies in the list. Social Touch ranks No.1 in Chinese SCRM market use rate in the White Paper of Thought Leadership issued by Forrester in February, 2017. Moreover, Social Touch is a strategic partner to Microsoft Azure CRM/SCRM field in China, a product partner to IBM full-channel marketing, a strategic partner to Tencent in terms of digital marketing as well as a partner to Airbnb China mobile strategy. Social Touch also won the honor of Gartner Cool Vendor in 2013 and 2016 both; and in 2016 alone, it won over 20 prizes including ROI Festival, Chinese Effie Award, Golden Mouse and Ernest & Young. Social Touch is one of the a few marketing service providers in China that can win both awards for marketing creativity and for technology and product. Official
  • 秒针系统



    Miaozhen Systems is China’s leading omni-marketing data & technology solution provider. With objective data and innovative technology, Miaozhen Systems meets the growing data and technology demand of the fast-changing internet marketing. As national high-tech enterprise and double-soft-certified enterprise founded in 2006, Miaozhen Systems has its headquarters in Beijing, with branch offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Yantai, Singapore, Japan and USA. Over 70% of the employees are product researchers and engineers graduated from famous universities. They are called “dream team” in product designing, mathematics and computer field. Their academic backgrounds help Miaozhen Systems create advanced products and solutions, and win the trust and cooperation with 70% of the world's top 100 brands. Based on three product lines containing 3rd party ad tracking, programmatic marketing and marketing insight, Miaozhen Systems has the processing capacity of up to 100 billion ad requests leading the industry, as well as develops the unique OTT TV monitoring system, cross-device identity technolog UserGraph, and budget allocation technology on cross-media, which promotes the healthy and prosperous development of the Internet marketing. “Believe in Data” is where Miaozhen Systems persist and stand firm. For more information visit
  • Mediacom

    竞立媒体是一家“内容与渠道整合传播代理商”,致力于帮助客户通过品牌付费、自有或获得的整个沟通渠道系统,为客户业务成果带来改变。竞立媒体是全球领先的专业媒介传播机构,年度媒介承揽额330亿美元(来源:RECMA 2017年6月数据)。竞立媒体在全球100个国家拥有125个办事处,拥有7000名员工。客户包括戴尔、玛氏、环球影业、宝洁、标致雪铁龙、索尼、壳牌和历峰集团。在2017年度M&M颁奖典礼中,竞立媒体再次荣获全球年度代理商大奖。在2017年世界媒体节(FOM)上竞立媒体斩获年度全球代理商网络以及前所未有的18个奖项。竞立是群邑的成员。群邑是WPP旗下世界领先的媒介投资管理机构。


    关注我们的微信公众号 MediaComCN

    MediaCom is “The Content + Connections Agency”, working on behalf of its clients to leverage their brands’ entire system of communications across paid, owned and earned channels to deliver a step change in their business outcomes.  MediaCom is one of the world’s leading media communications specialists, with billings of US$33 billion (Source: RECMA June 2017), employing 7,000 people in 125 offices across 100 countries. Its global client roster includes: Dell, Mars, NBC Universal, P&G, PSA, Sony, Shell and Richemont.  The agency was recently named Global Agency of the Year at the 2017 M&M Awards and FOM Global Agency Network of the Year in 2017, winning an unprecedented 18 awards. MediaCom is a member of WPP, the world's largest marketing communications services group, and part of GroupM. For more information, visit Follow our WeChat Account MediaComCN
  • 奥美
  • TCC Global
  • NBA
  • Facebook


    Vive by HTC is the first and only complete VR solution, allowing for industry-leading, ground-breaking 360° room-scale tracking. Comprised of a headset, two wireless controllers designed specifically for VR interaction, and two laser base stations for tracking, Vive renders hyper-realistic sights and sounds that transport the users to new, unimaginable worlds. HTC is working with partners to create innovative content ranging from gaming, entertainment and auto to retail, education and health, with the purpose of firing the imagination and truly changing the world. For more information, please visit
  • 米汇


    MiHui is a subsidiaries of Youmi Technology Co., Ltd. It’s a Social Mediate AD Platform which focus on the effectiveness of marketing communications.We have being establish a long-term cooperative relationship with more than 300,000 media resources& KOL.We are providing kinds of advertising forms to get a stable advertisement delivery transformation for advertisers, such as micro, blogging,hot video &advertisement online presentation.
  • 阿里云
  • wise media

    新数网络 WiseMedia(证券代码:834990)成立于2011年,是一家技术驱动的、数字实效推广服务商,公司于2015年12月在新三板正式挂牌上市。公司推出的WiseMedia数字广告实时决策与交易平台 (DSP:Demand-Side Platform)运用机器学习、数据挖掘技术,从海量的访客行为数据中分析规律,为每位访客建立行为档案,并通过智能实时竞价,为广告主以合理成本寻找目标客户,更在智能优化模型的帮助下放大效果。新数网络获得了国内互联网巨头BAT的一致认可,也是国内诸多DSP公司中,唯一尽收三巨头在程序化广告领域嘉奖的企业。


    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed.WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • 群脉

    群脉是由“世界IT服务100强”群硕软件研发的SCRM平台,为企业私人定制“社会化客户管理解决方案”。群脉运用互联网+ 的技术和思维,全渠道连接企业线上、线下客户触点,实施从获取到留存再到持续价值挖掘的全旅程客户经营,助力企业在市场营销、产品销售和客户服务中的经营场景中实现数据化运营。详情访问群脉官网


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services。For more information, please visit Augmentum Software:Augmentum, Inc., a provider of software services for products and solutions, was established in the Silicon Valley in 2003 with Global Delivery Centers in Shanghai, Wuhan, and Yangzhou. Our clients include members of the Fortune 500, mid-sized companies and startups in various industry sectors like Microsoft, Motorola Solutions, SAP, Walmart, CCTV, SMG, and EF Education, etc.. Over the years, we have worked together with our clients in the United States, China and worldwide to leverage the convergence of web, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), social media, cloud computing and targeted big data analytics. Backed by our product-level quality implementations competency, Augmentum have always gained trust of our clients.For more information, please visit
  • 京纬数据

    京纬数据(是亚洲领先的智能数据营销枢纽平台,拥有业界最先进的广告技术,同时具备强大的系统服务能力与顶尖的大数据分析能力。京纬数据基于云端的SaaS营销平台能根据代理商及品牌主的自身需求,独家定制Quadas数据管理平台 ,Quadas图灵人工智能优化平台、以及Quadas投放管理平台等一站式广告技术平台,让客户能够自主操作媒体资源、投放策略、出价设定,实现清晰、可控、精准的广告投放。

    京纬数据创建于2014年,核心团队来自于IBM, Google, Yahoo, 腾讯, 华为等业内知名企业。并拥有多位高等院校数据专业教授与博士。目前京纬数据在上海、台北设有分支机构,服务的客户包括Uber,大众,携程,欧莱雅,万豪等国际一线品牌。

    Quadas( is the leading technology provider of big data marketing, with the industry’s most advanced advertising technology, supreme service and strong big data analysis capability. The SaaS marketing platform provided by Quadas can customize one-stop advertising platforms such as DSP, SSP, DMP based on the specific requirements of agencies and brands, so that client companies can manage their own media resources, investment strategies and bid settings, to achieve accurate and effective advertisement. Quadas was founded in 2014 with many professors and Ph.D. in big data area and also a strong and experienced team from IBM, Yahoo, Tencent, and Huawei. Quadas now has offices in Shanghai and Taipei, and has served a lot of well-known brands including Uber, VW, Ctrip, L’Oréal , and Marriot.
  • 瑞恩传媒
  • 亿业科技



    YIYE TECHNOLOGY was founded in California in 2004, and has started its business in China since 2007. Since established, YIYE TECHNOLOGY focuses on digital marketing products innovation, brings marketing channels together (including Email, SMS, APP PUSH and Social Media etc.) to provide marketing automation and multi-channel service to our clients. We make the digital marketing more smart, intelligent, and precise, till now, YIYE TECHNOLOGY has become one of the leading email service providers in China, and has served over 1000+ long-time customers of all shapes and sizes in various industries, such as HUAWEI, BMW, VIPSHOP, 58GANJI, LUFAX, SUNING, CTRIP and LAGOU etc. Learn more, please visit:

解决方案合作伙伴Solution Partner

  • 31会议
  • VPhoto
  • 农夫山泉
  • 喜马拉雅 FM


    Ximalaya is the largest audio-sharing platform in China. It has over 400 million mobile users. Ximalaya keep ranking top 1 in APPSTORE Reading list till now. It is the leading the brand in the industry. Ximalaya has audio books, talk show, music, news, history, education and other 100 million audio tracks. The platform supports download and upload. With Ximalaya, listen can be anywhere and anytime. So far, Ximalaya’s unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 8000 industry elite,500 celebrity,two hundred thousand celebrities and 5 million verified podcasters.
  • 首汽约车

    首汽约车是首汽集团旗下的网约车平台,于2015年9月16日正式上线。自成立以来,首汽约车一直围绕着 “高品质“的品牌核心打造优质出行服务,同时坚持以国宾级服务和合规可信赖的品牌形象,成为用户出行的不二之选。目前,首汽约车的自营车辆和加盟车辆总计达到66000辆,在商务专车市场里订单量排名行业第二。

    首汽约车作为首汽集团互联网化转型的优秀代表,继承了首汽 66年以来的优良传统,坚持“真心为宾客”的服务宗旨。首汽约车自成立以来多次承接各大政治任务,重要外事活动用车,先后服务了达沃斯论坛、金砖会议等。目前首汽约车提供即时用车、预约用车、多日接送、日租、半日租、接送机等常规的网约车服务场景,以及提供舒适型小轿车、商务7座等车型,除此之外,针对个性用车需求还推出了指定司机、批量用车、代人叫车、商务福祉车、网约巴士、出租车及针对有海外用车需求的乘客提供的国际用车业务等多样化服务。



  • DC communications



    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.
  • 网易直播

合作媒体Cooperative Media

  • 新浪
  • 搜狐科技
  • 凤凰网
  • 成功营销
  • 数英
  • 品途
  • 金触点
  • 创业邦
  • 美通社
  • 互联网数据官
  • 界面
  • 中国广告
  • 天下网商
  • 胖鲸智库
  • 互联网一些事
  • adexchanger
  • digitown
  • 上方网
  • socialbeta
  • 互联网周刊
  • techweb
  • fmarketing
  • 环球旅讯
  • 天极网
  • Digivoice


  • morketing
  • rtbchina


  • 悠易互通


    Founded in 2007, Yoyi is the leading platform and the first multi-screen programmatic buying in China. Leveraging its data and technology resources, Yoyi Digital is spearheading the transformation of display ads from media buying to audience buying. Based on Yoyi’s proprietary audience data and advanced advertising technology, Yoyi is able to deliver the right ads to the right audience through right screen at right time, thus greatly enhancing user experience and advertising effectiveness at the same time. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 500 well-known global and local brands.Headquartered in Beijing, Yoyi Digital also has offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
  • 腾讯智慧



    Tencent Marketing Solutions Every day, billions of users enjoy a wide range of diversified services through Tencent’s ecosystem.  This ecosystem gives Tencent Marketing Solutions unique strengths in scope of users, full coverage of all scenarios and strong social engagement. With products offering a variety of contents and an integrated management platform for marketing campaigns, Tencent Marketing Solutions plays an active role in promoting digital marketing. Brands are empowered by its real user account system, diversified and exclusive content, precision insight and cutting-edge technology in algorithms. Tencent Marketing Solutions helps brands understand their TA and win them over. Official Website:
  • 阿里妈妈




    Alimama’s vision is to make it easy to do marketing anywhere. Alimama is a digital intelligent marketing platform that subordinates Alibaba Group. Empowered by Alibaba Group's core business big data and media ecosystem, it provides both branding and e-commerce marketing solution to advertises, business partners and SEMs. Enable marketers to connect consumer and brand along unified relationship journey base on consumer operation, and extend their marketing and promotional reach on multi-channel (PC, mobile and multimedia devices) with diversified marketing appeals to consumers all in one platform. Official Website :
  • Twitter

    Twitter 是提供当下全球实时事件和热议话题讨论的平台。在Twitter,从突发事件、娱乐讯息、体育消息、政治新闻,到日常资讯,实时评论对话的展开全方位地展示了故事的每一面。在这里,你可以加入开放的实时对话,观看活动直播。Twitter支持40多种语言,你可以通过,以及过移动设备或手机短信来使用我们的服务。欲了解更多信息,敬请浏览 或关注微信公众号 @Twitter广告助手 。关于Twitter以及 Periscope 应用程序下载的相关信息,您可以前往 以及 页面。

    Twitter is what’s happening in the world and what people are talking about right now. From breaking news and entertainment to sports, politics, and everyday interests, see every side of the story. Join the open conversation. Watch live streaming events. Available in more than 40 languages around the world, the service can be accessed via, an array of mobile devices, and SMS. For more information, please visit, follow@Twitter广告助手, and download both the Twitter and Periscope apps at and
  • FancyDigital



    截止2017年8月,FancyDigital为快消,日化、汽车,IT,旅游等超过上百家企业客户提供数字广告技术服务,其中包括美赞臣、必胜宅急送、奥迪、 OPPO、 VISA等全球知名品牌客户。

    Founded in 2015,FancyDigital is a leading Martech company in China, focus on programmatic video advertising. It cooperates with top 10 video media vendors and extensively supports video, mobile, OTT and PC inventory. With an integrated capability of cross-device identification technology to recognize and connect true audience, also, by applying data and machine learning algorithm to help advertiser to uplift their brand awareness and to improve their operational efficiencies. FancyDigital provides digital marketing services for more than one hundred enterprises, including leading brands in diverse industries, such as FMCG, automobile, IT and tourism.
  • 国双




    Gridsum Holding Inc. is a leading provider of cloud-based big-data analytics and AI solutions for multinational and domestic enterprises and government agencies in China. Gridsum’s core technology, the Gridsum Big Data Platform, is built on a distributed computing framework and performs real-time multi-dimensional correlation analysis of both structured and unstructured data. This enables Gridsum’s customers to identify complex relationships within their data and gain new insights that help them make better business decisions. The Company is named “Gridsum” to symbolize the combination of distributed computing (Grid) and analytics (sum). As a digital intelligence pioneer, the Company’s mission is to help enterprises and government organizations in China use data in new and powerful ways to make better informed decisions and be more productive. For more information, please visit Follow us on Weibo (@国双Gridsum) and WeChat (ID: gridsumtech).
  • 智子云


    ZCloud (stock symbol: 835045) is a big data technology company, which accumulate decades of experience in algorithms and applied fields of the data mining ,and lots of core technologies has won national patent certifications. Meanwhile, ZCloud independently developed versatile intellectual DSP and Sophon DMP products and gets a good reputation and achievements in the field of large data applications and marketing by virtue of the advantages of data mining algorithms. ZCloud has provided an intelligent data services and precise marketing application by data mining for thousands of advertising and brand customers.


    Vive by HTC is the first and only complete VR solution, allowing for industry-leading, ground-breaking 360° room-scale tracking. Comprised of a headset, two wireless controllers designed specifically for VR interaction, and two laser base stations for tracking, Vive renders hyper-realistic sights and sounds that transport the users to new, unimaginable worlds. HTC is working with partners to create innovative content ranging from gaming, entertainment and auto to retail, education and health, with the purpose of firing the imagination and truly changing the world. For more information, please visit
  • 米汇


    MiHui is a subsidiaries of Youmi Technology Co., Ltd. It’s a Social Mediate AD Platform which focus on the effectiveness of marketing communications.We have being establish a long-term cooperative relationship with more than 300,000 media resources& KOL.We are providing kinds of advertising forms to get a stable advertisement delivery transformation for advertisers, such as micro, blogging,hot video &advertisement online presentation.
  • 阿里云
  • wise media

    新数网络 WiseMedia(证券代码:834990)成立于2011年,是一家技术驱动的、数字实效推广服务商,公司于2015年12月在新三板正式挂牌上市。公司推出的WiseMedia数字广告实时决策与交易平台 (DSP:Demand-Side Platform)运用机器学习、数据挖掘技术,从海量的访客行为数据中分析规律,为每位访客建立行为档案,并通过智能实时竞价,为广告主以合理成本寻找目标客户,更在智能优化模型的帮助下放大效果。新数网络获得了国内互联网巨头BAT的一致认可,也是国内诸多DSP公司中,唯一尽收三巨头在程序化广告领域嘉奖的企业。


    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed.WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • 群脉

    群脉是由“世界IT服务100强”群硕软件研发的SCRM平台,为企业私人定制“社会化客户管理解决方案”。群脉运用互联网+ 的技术和思维,全渠道连接企业线上、线下客户触点,实施从获取到留存再到持续价值挖掘的全旅程客户经营,助力企业在市场营销、产品销售和客户服务中的经营场景中实现数据化运营。详情访问群脉官网


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services。For more information, please visit Augmentum Software:Augmentum, Inc., a provider of software services for products and solutions, was established in the Silicon Valley in 2003 with Global Delivery Centers in Shanghai, Wuhan, and Yangzhou. Our clients include members of the Fortune 500, mid-sized companies and startups in various industry sectors like Microsoft, Motorola Solutions, SAP, Walmart, CCTV, SMG, and EF Education, etc.. Over the years, we have worked together with our clients in the United States, China and worldwide to leverage the convergence of web, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), social media, cloud computing and targeted big data analytics. Backed by our product-level quality implementations competency, Augmentum have always gained trust of our clients.For more information, please visit
  • 京纬数据

    京纬数据(是亚洲领先的智能数据营销枢纽平台,拥有业界最先进的广告技术,同时具备强大的系统服务能力与顶尖的大数据分析能力。京纬数据基于云端的SaaS营销平台能根据代理商及品牌主的自身需求,独家定制Quadas数据管理平台 ,Quadas图灵人工智能优化平台、以及Quadas投放管理平台等一站式广告技术平台,让客户能够自主操作媒体资源、投放策略、出价设定,实现清晰、可控、精准的广告投放。

    京纬数据创建于2014年,核心团队来自于IBM, Google, Yahoo, 腾讯, 华为等业内知名企业。并拥有多位高等院校数据专业教授与博士。目前京纬数据在上海、台北设有分支机构,服务的客户包括Uber,大众,携程,欧莱雅,万豪等国际一线品牌。

    Quadas( is the leading technology provider of big data marketing, with the industry’s most advanced advertising technology, supreme service and strong big data analysis capability. The SaaS marketing platform provided by Quadas can customize one-stop advertising platforms such as DSP, SSP, DMP based on the specific requirements of agencies and brands, so that client companies can manage their own media resources, investment strategies and bid settings, to achieve accurate and effective advertisement. Quadas was founded in 2014 with many professors and Ph.D. in big data area and also a strong and experienced team from IBM, Yahoo, Tencent, and Huawei. Quadas now has offices in Shanghai and Taipei, and has served a lot of well-known brands including Uber, VW, Ctrip, L’Oréal , and Marriot.
  • 瑞恩传媒
  • 亿业科技



    YIYE TECHNOLOGY was founded in California in 2004, and has started its business in China since 2007. Since established, YIYE TECHNOLOGY focuses on digital marketing products innovation, brings marketing channels together (including Email, SMS, APP PUSH and Social Media etc.) to provide marketing automation and multi-channel service to our clients. We make the digital marketing more smart, intelligent, and precise, till now, YIYE TECHNOLOGY has become one of the leading email service providers in China, and has served over 1000+ long-time customers of all shapes and sizes in various industries, such as HUAWEI, BMW, VIPSHOP, 58GANJI, LUFAX, SUNING, CTRIP and LAGOU etc. Learn more, please visit:

顶级赞助Top Sponsor

  • 悠易互通


    Founded in 2007, Yoyi is the leading platform and the first multi-screen programmatic buying in China. Leveraging its data and technology resources, Yoyi Digital is spearheading the transformation of display ads from media buying to audience buying. Based on Yoyi’s proprietary audience data and advanced advertising technology, Yoyi is able to deliver the right ads to the right audience through right screen at right time, thus greatly enhancing user experience and advertising effectiveness at the same time. Yoyi Digital provides both branding and performance solutions for over 500 well-known global and local brands.Headquartered in Beijing, Yoyi Digital also has offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

钻石赞助Diamond Sponsor

  • 腾讯智慧



    Tencent Marketing Solutions Every day, billions of users enjoy a wide range of diversified services through Tencent’s ecosystem.  This ecosystem gives Tencent Marketing Solutions unique strengths in scope of users, full coverage of all scenarios and strong social engagement. With products offering a variety of contents and an integrated management platform for marketing campaigns, Tencent Marketing Solutions plays an active role in promoting digital marketing. Brands are empowered by its real user account system, diversified and exclusive content, precision insight and cutting-edge technology in algorithms. Tencent Marketing Solutions helps brands understand their TA and win them over. Official Website:
  • 阿里妈妈




    Alimama’s vision is to make it easy to do marketing anywhere. Alimama is a digital intelligent marketing platform that subordinates Alibaba Group. Empowered by Alibaba Group's core business big data and media ecosystem, it provides both branding and e-commerce marketing solution to advertises, business partners and SEMs. Enable marketers to connect consumer and brand along unified relationship journey base on consumer operation, and extend their marketing and promotional reach on multi-channel (PC, mobile and multimedia devices) with diversified marketing appeals to consumers all in one platform. Official Website :
  • 百度


    Baidu is the largest Chinese search engine and Chinese website worldwide. At the end of 1999, Robin Li, Chief Executive Officer of Baidu, saw the great potential of China’s Internet. With the patent technology of search engine, he came back to China and created Baidu in Zhongguancun on January 1, 2000. With the development of 18 years, Baidu has tens of thousands of R&D engineers, who constitute the best technical team around China and even the world. The team is holding the most advanced search engine technology in the world, which enables China to become one of the four countries worldwide with the core technology of search engines besides America, Russia and the Republic of Korea.

铂金赞助Platinum Sponsor

  • Google


    Google成立于1998年, 致力于通过创新的产品和技术为全球用户和企业服务。我们的使命是整合全球信息,使人人皆可访问并从中受益。从创立至今,Google已成长为在全球40多个国家和地区拥有70多个办公室的全球科技领导者。在中国,Google以创新的思维,前瞻的视野,不断帮助推动中国经济、文化、开发者和互联网行业的发展。



    About Google China Founded in 1998, Google focuses on providing a variety of services for people and businesses around the world. Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since its inception, Google has grown to a global technology leader with more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe. In China, Google keeps contributing to China's economy, culture, developer's and internet industry with forward insight and innovative thinking. In today’s globalization and digitalization process, Google helps Chinese customers achieve a win-win situation in their global and local business via solid action. Google also provides a healthy ecosystem for Chinese developers and supports them build successful businesses in every steps of innovations. Moreover, Google is a cultural contributor through supplying a platform to preserve and promote Chinese cultural and historic treasure to art-lovers globally. Google fosters moonshot thinkers by promoting innovation and entrepreneurship spirit within the China’s tech industry and strong support of programs that cultivate talented technology professionals. Official Website:
  • Twitter

    Twitter 是提供当下全球实时事件和热议话题讨论的平台。在Twitter,从突发事件、娱乐讯息、体育消息、政治新闻,到日常资讯,实时评论对话的展开全方位地展示了故事的每一面。在这里,你可以加入开放的实时对话,观看活动直播。Twitter支持40多种语言,你可以通过,以及过移动设备或手机短信来使用我们的服务。欲了解更多信息,敬请浏览 或关注微信公众号 @Twitter广告助手 。关于Twitter以及 Periscope 应用程序下载的相关信息,您可以前往 以及 页面。

    Twitter is what’s happening in the world and what people are talking about right now. From breaking news and entertainment to sports, politics, and everyday interests, see every side of the story. Join the open conversation. Watch live streaming events. Available in more than 40 languages around the world, the service can be accessed via, an array of mobile devices, and SMS. For more information, please visit, follow@Twitter广告助手, and download both the Twitter and Periscope apps at and
  • 头条




    Beijing ByteDance Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2012. The company’s main product “Toutiao” is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered app that recommends personalized information to its users. By analyzing user interactions with content on the platform, Toutiao’s algorithms generate content lists tailored for each user, thereby differentiating from traditional methods of information distribution. Since Toutiao's launch in the market, it has won a remarkable market share and remained as a leading app in Apple's App Store.To date, more than 1,100,000 individuals and organizations have started their ToutiaoHao accounts, a self-publishing new media platform within the app. Official Website:
  • 网易传媒


    NetEase Media,the pioneer of Chinese internet portals and mobile information applications, has won users’ reputation for its high-quality original content, distinctive report angle and unique Follow Poster culture. Facing the trend of consumption upgrade, in year 2017, NetEase Media has firstly put forward the Content Consumption Upgrade Leader Strategy and fully entered the pan-entertainment industry. Official
  • 知乎


    知乎以知识连接一切为使命,凭借认真、专业和友善的社区氛围和独特的产品机制,聚集了中国互联网上科技、商业、文化等领域里最具创造力的人群,将高质量的内容透过人的节点来成规模地生产和分享,构建高价值人际关系网络。用户通过问答等交流方式建立信任和连接,打造和提升个人品牌价值,并发现、获得新机会。如今每天都有超过2600万人次的独立用户在此浏览或是参与有关互联网、科学、金融、汽车、旅行、健康、电影、艺术、体育以及职业发展等维度的话题讨论和知识分享。知乎已经成为中文互联网优质内容来源地,也是无数职业人群的智识家园。截止2017年9月,知乎拥有注册用户量超过 1 亿,用户月累计页面浏览量(PV)达到 180 亿,日活跃用户 2600 万;用户人均的每天使用时常为 60 分钟。
    此外,知乎还通过知乎Live等一系列产品,认真、积极地探索知识付费市场的发展潜力,这一部分对于知乎来说意味着巨大的发展可能。以知乎做知识付费的核心产品「知乎Live」为例,截止2017年9月,「知乎Live」已经举办近 5000 场,近 400 万人次参与,人均消费额 43.67元 ,复购率达到了 42%,而主讲人的人均收入也超过了 1 万元。未来,知乎将持续打造以知识平台为核心的生态,建设可持续发展的内容和专家网络,用以帮助人们实现生活、工作、学习和创新场景中的需求,并对相关的行业有深刻的影响和积极的改变。


    Zhihu, the largest Chinese knowledge platform. Assuming the mission to connect everything via knowledge, Zhihu that features of rigorous, professional, friendly and trustworthy community atmosphere and unique product mechanism, gathers the most creative brains on the internet from various fields like technology, business and culture. Based on every user, Zhihu has yielded and shared meaningful contents only to establish a high-quality interpersonal relationship net. Users can nurture trust and relationship by asking and answering to each other, furthermore, to promote personal brand value and harbor new opportunity. Everyday 26 million people will browse, discuss and share knowledge on Zhihu about internet, technology, business, automobile, journey, health, film, art, sport and career. To September 2017, the number of registered users on Zhihu is more than 1 billion, and the number of daily active users is about 26 million; the monthly page-view surges to 180 billion and the personal use time is up to 60 minutes per day.In addition, Zhihu has kept exploring the market of knowledge economy via a series of products like Zhihu Live which have a big potential. To illustrate, Zhihu has organized 5000 Zhihu Lives, the core paid-product of knowledge market; 4 million people have participated and the average spend is RMB 43.67; the repurchase rate reaches to 42% and the average personal income of the speaker exceeds RMB10000.In the future, Zhihu will contribute the ecology based on its knowledge platform and also the sustainable net covering content and expert. By means of rendering help in life, work, research and innovation,Zhihu aims to influence and reform different industries profoundly. Official
  • 360



    360 AD Platform is a panoramic intelligent marketing platform leading in China. Relying on its massive users and cross-screen multi-terminal panoramic innovation resources of the 360 PC and mobile terminals as well as its intelligent hardware, 360 AD Platform can provide 800 million users with safer and more convenient information services, based on the big data of its unique consumer behavioral chain, its multivariate content marketing and technological product innovation, so that, nearly one million leading enterprises around the world could comprehensively improve their marketing effectiveness.
  • 小米





    Xiaomi Marketing is a subsidiary of Xiaomi, which is committed to providing intelligent mobile marketing solutions for the majority advertisers. Based on 24-7 real time data from Xiaomi smart hardwares and the ability of identify different marketing scenes, Xiaomi Marketing is able to provide all- scene marketing solutions and an integrated and intelligent advertising service that will continue to influence the minds of consumers. Official Website:
  • FancyDigital



    截止2017年8月,FancyDigital为快消,日化、汽车,IT,旅游等超过上百家企业客户提供数字广告技术服务,其中包括美赞臣、必胜宅急送、奥迪、 OPPO、 VISA等全球知名品牌客户。

    Founded in 2015,FancyDigital is a leading Martech company in China, focus on programmatic video advertising. It cooperates with top 10 video media vendors and extensively supports video, mobile, OTT and PC inventory. With an integrated capability of cross-device identification technology to recognize and connect true audience, also, by applying data and machine learning algorithm to help advertiser to uplift their brand awareness and to improve their operational efficiencies. FancyDigital provides digital marketing services for more than one hundred enterprises, including leading brands in diverse industries, such as FMCG, automobile, IT and tourism.

黄金赞助Gold Sponsor

  • 国双




    Gridsum Holding Inc. is a leading provider of cloud-based big-data analytics and AI solutions for multinational and domestic enterprises and government agencies in China. Gridsum’s core technology, the Gridsum Big Data Platform, is built on a distributed computing framework and performs real-time multi-dimensional correlation analysis of both structured and unstructured data. This enables Gridsum’s customers to identify complex relationships within their data and gain new insights that help them make better business decisions. The Company is named “Gridsum” to symbolize the combination of distributed computing (Grid) and analytics (sum). As a digital intelligence pioneer, the Company’s mission is to help enterprises and government organizations in China use data in new and powerful ways to make better informed decisions and be more productive. For more information, please visit Follow us on Weibo (@国双Gridsum) and WeChat (ID: gridsumtech).
  • 智子云


    ZCloud (stock symbol: 835045) is a big data technology company, which accumulate decades of experience in algorithms and applied fields of the data mining ,and lots of core technologies has won national patent certifications. Meanwhile, ZCloud independently developed versatile intellectual DSP and Sophon DMP products and gets a good reputation and achievements in the field of large data applications and marketing by virtue of the advantages of data mining algorithms. ZCloud has provided an intelligent data services and precise marketing application by data mining for thousands of advertising and brand customers.
  • 力美科技






    Limei  Technology(838556.OC),is China's leading scenario-based intelligent marketing platform. Limei (838556.OC),founded in 2011,is China's leading scenario-based intelligent marketing platform.It was listed on the new three board in September 2016 ,committed to build leading scenario-based intelligent marketing ecosystem in the big data era. With intelligent data,intelligent marketing, scenario-based data, scenario-based marketing and other products as the core business of all layouts ,it could provide intelligent marketing service based on large data for the global advertisers .
  • 时趣




    作为业界最受认可的成为移动社交时代的新型营销管理公司,自成立至今,时趣斩获百余项荣誉与奖项。在《Forrester Wave:2016第四季度中国营销战略和执行数字营销公司》中,时趣与OglivyOne、Razorfish、VML、Isobar等国际知名数字营销公司齐肩,成为被收录的仅有两家本土数字营销公司之一。在Forrester2017年2月发布的《思想领导力白皮书》中时趣在中国SCRM市场使用率名列第一。此外,时趣还是微软Azure渠道CRM/SCRM领域在中国的战略合作伙伴,IBM全渠道营销产品合作伙伴,腾讯数字营销战略合作伙伴,以及 Airbnb 中国移动社交战略合作伙伴。时趣还曾获得2013与2016年度Gartner Cool Vendor,仅在2016年,荣获金投赏、艾菲奖、金鼠标、安永共计20余项单项奖。时趣是国内少数能够同时荣获营销创意奖项与技术及产品奖项的营销管理公司之一。


    Established in 2011, Social Touch (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (Social Touch for short) has grown into a leading mobile social marketing management company of the largest scale and fastest growth in China as China’s mobile social environment develops. By originating the marketing path combining technology and innovation and driving marketing through algorithmic model, Social Touch provides a one-stop platform of mobile marketing and is dedicated to helping companies build up the user-centered intelligent marketing ecology. Currently, Social Touch has over 700 employees with the Headquarters of Beijing and branches in Shanghai and Guangzhou. Social Touch serves nearly 200 large brands from home and abroad, 70% of which are among Fortune 500 brands and 30% new brands in China. Apart from learning marketing advantages from mature brands, Social Touch joins hands with domestic and overseas enterprises to explore and verify a marketing approach more suitable to China. In three links of content-MGM-operation needed by enterprise in mobile times in terms of marketing, Social Touch provides integrated solution, builds closed loop for marketing and assists enterprises in realizing enterprise’s maximum commercial value. By means of brand social marketing service, advertisement technology and service as well as marketing operation software and technology, Social Touch helps enterprises to realize smart business so as to achieve marketing success in the era of mobile socializing. The company mainly focuses on Internet, beauty & cosmetics, consumer electronics, maternal & baby, household chemicals, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), clothing, tourism and financial services. Social Touch has provided marketing services to clients of globally top 100 companies, including P&G, Unilever, Mars, Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, ICBC, Hainan Airlines and Huawei and to digital innovative companies including Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, Didi and Airbnb. Social Touch has won the favor and trust of many global brand clients by its innovative philosophy, distinguished service capability and professional attitude. As the most recognized service provider in mobile social marketing solutions, Social Touch has won nearly 100 honors and prizes since its establishment. In Forrester Wave: 2016 Q4 China’s Marketing Strategy and Execution Digital Marketing Company, Social Touch ranks with OglivyOne, Razorfish, VML, Isobar and other internationally well-known digital marketing companies, thus becomes one of the only two local digital marketing companies in the list. Social Touch ranks No.1 in Chinese SCRM market use rate in the White Paper of Thought Leadership issued by Forrester in February, 2017. Moreover, Social Touch is a strategic partner to Microsoft Azure CRM/SCRM field in China, a product partner to IBM full-channel marketing, a strategic partner to Tencent in terms of digital marketing as well as a partner to Airbnb China mobile strategy. Social Touch also won the honor of Gartner Cool Vendor in 2013 and 2016 both; and in 2016 alone, it won over 20 prizes including ROI Festival, Chinese Effie Award, Golden Mouse and Ernest & Young. Social Touch is one of the a few marketing service providers in China that can win both awards for marketing creativity and for technology and product. Official
  • 秒针系统



    Miaozhen Systems is China’s leading omni-marketing data & technology solution provider. With objective data and innovative technology, Miaozhen Systems meets the growing data and technology demand of the fast-changing internet marketing. As national high-tech enterprise and double-soft-certified enterprise founded in 2006, Miaozhen Systems has its headquarters in Beijing, with branch offices in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Yantai, Singapore, Japan and USA. Over 70% of the employees are product researchers and engineers graduated from famous universities. They are called “dream team” in product designing, mathematics and computer field. Their academic backgrounds help Miaozhen Systems create advanced products and solutions, and win the trust and cooperation with 70% of the world's top 100 brands. Based on three product lines containing 3rd party ad tracking, programmatic marketing and marketing insight, Miaozhen Systems has the processing capacity of up to 100 billion ad requests leading the industry, as well as develops the unique OTT TV monitoring system, cross-device identity technolog UserGraph, and budget allocation technology on cross-media, which promotes the healthy and prosperous development of the Internet marketing. “Believe in Data” is where Miaozhen Systems persist and stand firm. For more information visit


  • Mediacom

    竞立媒体是一家“内容与渠道整合传播代理商”,致力于帮助客户通过品牌付费、自有或获得的整个沟通渠道系统,为客户业务成果带来改变。竞立媒体是全球领先的专业媒介传播机构,年度媒介承揽额330亿美元(来源:RECMA 2017年6月数据)。竞立媒体在全球100个国家拥有125个办事处,拥有7000名员工。客户包括戴尔、玛氏、环球影业、宝洁、标致雪铁龙、索尼、壳牌和历峰集团。在2017年度M&M颁奖典礼中,竞立媒体再次荣获全球年度代理商大奖。在2017年世界媒体节(FOM)上竞立媒体斩获年度全球代理商网络以及前所未有的18个奖项。竞立是群邑的成员。群邑是WPP旗下世界领先的媒介投资管理机构。


    关注我们的微信公众号 MediaComCN

    MediaCom is “The Content + Connections Agency”, working on behalf of its clients to leverage their brands’ entire system of communications across paid, owned and earned channels to deliver a step change in their business outcomes.  MediaCom is one of the world’s leading media communications specialists, with billings of US$33 billion (Source: RECMA June 2017), employing 7,000 people in 125 offices across 100 countries. Its global client roster includes: Dell, Mars, NBC Universal, P&G, PSA, Sony, Shell and Richemont.  The agency was recently named Global Agency of the Year at the 2017 M&M Awards and FOM Global Agency Network of the Year in 2017, winning an unprecedented 18 awards. MediaCom is a member of WPP, the world's largest marketing communications services group, and part of GroupM. For more information, visit Follow our WeChat Account MediaComCN
  • 奥美
  • TCC Global
  • NBA
  • Facebook

独家直播合作伙伴Exclusive Live Partner

  • 网易直播

独家音频合作伙伴Exclusive Audio Partner

  • 喜马拉雅 FM


    Ximalaya is the largest audio-sharing platform in China. It has over 400 million mobile users. Ximalaya keep ranking top 1 in APPSTORE Reading list till now. It is the leading the brand in the industry. Ximalaya has audio books, talk show, music, news, history, education and other 100 million audio tracks. The platform supports download and upload. With Ximalaya, listen can be anywhere and anytime. So far, Ximalaya’s unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 8000 industry elite,500 celebrity,two hundred thousand celebrities and 5 million verified podcasters.

独家用车平台Official Email Marketing Partner

  • 首汽约车

    首汽约车是首汽集团旗下的网约车平台,于2015年9月16日正式上线。自成立以来,首汽约车一直围绕着 “高品质“的品牌核心打造优质出行服务,同时坚持以国宾级服务和合规可信赖的品牌形象,成为用户出行的不二之选。目前,首汽约车的自营车辆和加盟车辆总计达到66000辆,在商务专车市场里订单量排名行业第二。

    首汽约车作为首汽集团互联网化转型的优秀代表,继承了首汽 66年以来的优良传统,坚持“真心为宾客”的服务宗旨。首汽约车自成立以来多次承接各大政治任务,重要外事活动用车,先后服务了达沃斯论坛、金砖会议等。目前首汽约车提供即时用车、预约用车、多日接送、日租、半日租、接送机等常规的网约车服务场景,以及提供舒适型小轿车、商务7座等车型,除此之外,针对个性用车需求还推出了指定司机、批量用车、代人叫车、商务福祉车、网约巴士、出租车及针对有海外用车需求的乘客提供的国际用车业务等多样化服务。



独家数字会务支持Exclusive Digital Conference Support

  • 31会议

独家云摄影合作伙伴Exclusive Cloud Photography Partner

  • VPhoto

战略合作媒体Strategic Media Partner

  • 中国广告
  • 胖鲸智库
  • Digivoice


  • morketing
  • rtbchina

新闻稿发布合作伙伴Official Press Release Agency

  • 美通社

独家旅游科技媒体Support Media

  • 环球旅讯


  • 新浪
  • 搜狐科技
  • 凤凰网
  • 成功营销
  • 数英
  • 品途
  • 金触点
  • 创业邦
  • 互联网数据官
  • 天下网商
  • 互联网一些事
  • adexchanger
  • digitown
  • 上方网
  • socialbeta
  • 互联网周刊
  • techweb
  • fmarketing
  • 天极网


  • 界面

官方视频合作伙伴Official Video Partner

  • DC communications



    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.




    Vive by HTC is the first and only complete VR solution, allowing for industry-leading, ground-breaking 360° room-scale tracking. Comprised of a headset, two wireless controllers designed specifically for VR interaction, and two laser base stations for tracking, Vive renders hyper-realistic sights and sounds that transport the users to new, unimaginable worlds. HTC is working with partners to create innovative content ranging from gaming, entertainment and auto to retail, education and health, with the purpose of firing the imagination and truly changing the world. For more information, please visit
  • 米汇


    MiHui is a subsidiaries of Youmi Technology Co., Ltd. It’s a Social Mediate AD Platform which focus on the effectiveness of marketing communications.We have being establish a long-term cooperative relationship with more than 300,000 media resources& KOL.We are providing kinds of advertising forms to get a stable advertisement delivery transformation for advertisers, such as micro, blogging,hot video &advertisement online presentation.
  • 阿里云
  • wise media

    新数网络 WiseMedia(证券代码:834990)成立于2011年,是一家技术驱动的、数字实效推广服务商,公司于2015年12月在新三板正式挂牌上市。公司推出的WiseMedia数字广告实时决策与交易平台 (DSP:Demand-Side Platform)运用机器学习、数据挖掘技术,从海量的访客行为数据中分析规律,为每位访客建立行为档案,并通过智能实时竞价,为广告主以合理成本寻找目标客户,更在智能优化模型的帮助下放大效果。新数网络获得了国内互联网巨头BAT的一致认可,也是国内诸多DSP公司中,唯一尽收三巨头在程序化广告领域嘉奖的企业。


    WiseMedia (NEEQ: 834990) was established in 2011 as a leading technology driven company. In late 2015, the company was listed on National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ). WiseMedia delivers Demand-Side Platform to help buyers and sellers make the most out of digital advertising. With audience builder and sophisticated targeting capabilities, WiseMedia is positioned to help ad campaigns succeed.WiseMedia is the one and only programmatic ad buying company which has been accredited by domestic internet giants B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Official Website:
  • 群脉

    群脉是由“世界IT服务100强”群硕软件研发的SCRM平台,为企业私人定制“社会化客户管理解决方案”。群脉运用互联网+ 的技术和思维,全渠道连接企业线上、线下客户触点,实施从获取到留存再到持续价值挖掘的全旅程客户经营,助力企业在市场营销、产品销售和客户服务中的经营场景中实现数据化运营。详情访问群脉官网


    MaiSCRM is the social CRM platform self-developed by Augmentum software which is a global leading IT products and solutions provider, focusing on enterprise customized social CRM solution. Based on INTERNET+ technologies and mindset, MaiSCRM leverages WeChat as one primary channel, connect your online/offline multiple customer touch-points through omni-channels in order to engage in full CRM journey, from acquire to retain, then continuously excavate customer value. MaiSCRM helps enterprises to digitalize interaction scenarios in all your business processes, including marketing, sales, and services。For more information, please visit Augmentum Software:Augmentum, Inc., a provider of software services for products and solutions, was established in the Silicon Valley in 2003 with Global Delivery Centers in Shanghai, Wuhan, and Yangzhou. Our clients include members of the Fortune 500, mid-sized companies and startups in various industry sectors like Microsoft, Motorola Solutions, SAP, Walmart, CCTV, SMG, and EF Education, etc.. Over the years, we have worked together with our clients in the United States, China and worldwide to leverage the convergence of web, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), social media, cloud computing and targeted big data analytics. Backed by our product-level quality implementations competency, Augmentum have always gained trust of our clients.For more information, please visit
  • 京纬数据

    京纬数据(是亚洲领先的智能数据营销枢纽平台,拥有业界最先进的广告技术,同时具备强大的系统服务能力与顶尖的大数据分析能力。京纬数据基于云端的SaaS营销平台能根据代理商及品牌主的自身需求,独家定制Quadas数据管理平台 ,Quadas图灵人工智能优化平台、以及Quadas投放管理平台等一站式广告技术平台,让客户能够自主操作媒体资源、投放策略、出价设定,实现清晰、可控、精准的广告投放。

    京纬数据创建于2014年,核心团队来自于IBM, Google, Yahoo, 腾讯, 华为等业内知名企业。并拥有多位高等院校数据专业教授与博士。目前京纬数据在上海、台北设有分支机构,服务的客户包括Uber,大众,携程,欧莱雅,万豪等国际一线品牌。

    Quadas( is the leading technology provider of big data marketing, with the industry’s most advanced advertising technology, supreme service and strong big data analysis capability. The SaaS marketing platform provided by Quadas can customize one-stop advertising platforms such as DSP, SSP, DMP based on the specific requirements of agencies and brands, so that client companies can manage their own media resources, investment strategies and bid settings, to achieve accurate and effective advertisement. Quadas was founded in 2014 with many professors and Ph.D. in big data area and also a strong and experienced team from IBM, Yahoo, Tencent, and Huawei. Quadas now has offices in Shanghai and Taipei, and has served a lot of well-known brands including Uber, VW, Ctrip, L’Oréal , and Marriot.
  • 瑞恩传媒
  • 亿业科技



    YIYE TECHNOLOGY was founded in California in 2004, and has started its business in China since 2007. Since established, YIYE TECHNOLOGY focuses on digital marketing products innovation, brings marketing channels together (including Email, SMS, APP PUSH and Social Media etc.) to provide marketing automation and multi-channel service to our clients. We make the digital marketing more smart, intelligent, and precise, till now, YIYE TECHNOLOGY has become one of the leading email service providers in China, and has served over 1000+ long-time customers of all shapes and sizes in various industries, such as HUAWEI, BMW, VIPSHOP, 58GANJI, LUFAX, SUNING, CTRIP and LAGOU etc. Learn more, please visit:


  • 农夫山泉

独家直播合作伙伴Exclusive Live Partner

  • 网易直播

独家音频合作伙伴Exclusive Audio Partner

  • 喜马拉雅 FM


    Ximalaya is the largest audio-sharing platform in China. It has over 400 million mobile users. Ximalaya keep ranking top 1 in APPSTORE Reading list till now. It is the leading the brand in the industry. Ximalaya has audio books, talk show, music, news, history, education and other 100 million audio tracks. The platform supports download and upload. With Ximalaya, listen can be anywhere and anytime. So far, Ximalaya’s unique PUGC ecosystem has attracted over 8000 industry elite,500 celebrity,two hundred thousand celebrities and 5 million verified podcasters.

独家用车平台Official Email Marketing Partner

  • 首汽约车

    首汽约车是首汽集团旗下的网约车平台,于2015年9月16日正式上线。自成立以来,首汽约车一直围绕着 “高品质“的品牌核心打造优质出行服务,同时坚持以国宾级服务和合规可信赖的品牌形象,成为用户出行的不二之选。目前,首汽约车的自营车辆和加盟车辆总计达到66000辆,在商务专车市场里订单量排名行业第二。

    首汽约车作为首汽集团互联网化转型的优秀代表,继承了首汽 66年以来的优良传统,坚持“真心为宾客”的服务宗旨。首汽约车自成立以来多次承接各大政治任务,重要外事活动用车,先后服务了达沃斯论坛、金砖会议等。目前首汽约车提供即时用车、预约用车、多日接送、日租、半日租、接送机等常规的网约车服务场景,以及提供舒适型小轿车、商务7座等车型,除此之外,针对个性用车需求还推出了指定司机、批量用车、代人叫车、商务福祉车、网约巴士、出租车及针对有海外用车需求的乘客提供的国际用车业务等多样化服务。



独家数字会务支持Exclusive Digital Conference Support

  • 31会议

独家云摄影合作伙伴Exclusive Cloud Photography Partner

  • VPhoto

官方视频合作伙伴Official Video Partner

  • DC communications



    DC Communication combine creative talent with business know-how for fresh,inspirational,personalized content marketing and communication campaigns for businesses already in China or those planning to enter – whether for digital,print or offline campaigns.


  • 农夫山泉

战略合作媒体Strategic Media Partner

  • 中国广告
  • 胖鲸智库
  • Digivoice


  • morketing
  • rtbchina

新闻稿发布合作伙伴Official Press Release Agency

  • 美通社

独家旅游科技媒体Support Media

  • 环球旅讯


  • 新浪
  • 搜狐科技
  • 凤凰网
  • 成功营销
  • 数英
  • 品途
  • 金触点
  • 创业邦
  • 互联网数据官
  • 天下网商
  • 互联网一些事
  • adexchanger
  • digitown
  • 上方网
  • socialbeta
  • 互联网周刊
  • techweb
  • fmarketing
  • 天极网


  • 界面

GDMS · Brilliant Moments

GDMS · News

  • Why is O2O a Thing of the Past 2018-1-26

    On Dec 6, 2017, Starbucks’ much anticipated “Shanghai Reserve Roastery” opened its doors on Nanjing West Road. This largest Starbucks café in the world has a total floor space of 2700 square meters, following the opening of the first “Reserve Roastery” in Seattle in 2014.   After a busy opening, Starbuck China’s CMO Emily Chang appeared on the stage of… Read More

  • Mondelez International: Making Consumers Happy to Pay 2018-1-26

    In this current age, consumers are offered a great abundance of consumer goods and convenience with regards to shopping –with a vast array of choices available. Consumers nowadays seem more complex and hard to deal with than ever before. As a brand in this era – how to catch on to the consumer in this highly competitive environment has become… Read More

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GDMS 全球数字营销峰会是由维莘会展(上海)有限公司(VisonEvents)主办的全球性会议。


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